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Modern Workspace


What makes Her Healed Life Program unique?

Her Healed Life is a program for influential women of faith that desire to pursue trauma recovery, emotional regulation, mindset processes, and soul healing utilizing valuable curriculum with biblical foundation.


Deep down you know you are someone who is ready to commit to a process that truly works. Perhaps you have experienced counseling previously and you are ready to be trained and gain skills in a private one on one experience. You are desiring to step into having emotional control, peace of mind, joy, healing of the mind, and pure breakthrough.

Strength & Resilience

Inner healing

Healthy relational connection

Mental and emotional well-being

Decision making skills

Inner peace

Spiritual breakthrough

Self acceptance

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Empowermen Circle Group Coaching
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Lately, it's easier to serve others well than to be served and heal...

You have been emotionally feeling out of wack, and it could begin with the fact that you are used to neglecting yourself emotionally, because that is a learned behavior from your past pains and challenges. You have found it much easier to show up for others much quicker than your own wellbeing. When you ignore your internalized pains, it tends to show up in your day-to-day responsibilities. You are able to manage your career, your household, and the never ending task list together, but how are you really doing? 


When others ask you if you are okay or if you need help, you muster out saying "I'm fine" knowing deep down inside you are screaming for relief for someone to finally see you. 


Unfortunately, you have consistently maxed out the amount of times "you said" you would take care of yourself emotionally and spiritually, and yet here you are still feeling as though there are deeper wounds that still need to be healed in order for you to move forward. 


Take a deep breath in knowing that you are not alone.


About fifty percent of individuals will be exposed to at least one form of trauma within their lifetime. Many individuals, such as yourself, are resilient and have considered yourself a true warrior or survivor. However, there can be longer termed challenges that need to be addressed. 


Women are potentially twice as likely to experience symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder, but also are less likely to seek help for themselves. 


As you are reading, I am sure you can think of women in your life who have never sought out the proper support, and maybe that woman is you.


This is the time when you can decide for yourself to do something differently by seeking the support necessary to experience the breakthrough within your healing process. 


Can you imagine her?


Truly, living a life where you experience healing in areas of your life relationally, emotionally, and spiritually that God wants you to consistently thrive in. 

You are not alone! There is a better way.

There is a more desirable way to seek support and to commit to your process of healing and breakthrough. 


First thing first, you have to believe you are worthy for more. 


Uprooting the strongholds while becoming knowledgeable about your pain versus allowing yourself to stay stuck in it is the first step. Your growth will stem from stepping into the process with courage instead of fear. Healing the areas of your mind and heart condition is necessary for you to be able to genuinely move forward with the love of Christ. 


The program Her Healed Life is transformational!


When you commit to your healing process and partner with God, change is inevitable. 


As a certified Christian Counselor, I can attest to utilizing the very same Biblical truths and principles. 


Committing to your personal process of emotional healing while gaining a closer relationship with God is necessary. 


This faith based program for women has been supporting women desiring to heal their past hurts while restoring their lives relationally and gaining peace internally. 


The program allows women to heal unapologetically in healthier ways mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. 


And that's why Her Healed Life was created. 

Mastering the Art of Intentional Liing

Her Healed Life Program

Her Healed Life is a program for influential women of faith that desire to pursue trauma recovery, emotional regulation, mindset processes, and soul healing utilizing valuable counseling sessions with biblical foundation. 


By the end of the program, you'll be able to ...

Implement what you have learn 

  • You will end this program equipped with tangible ways to progress well beyond the program. When you show up committed to your healing process, the more comfortable your will become with implementing from what you have learned.

Experience Freedom 

  • Due to this program having biblical foundation, with your commitment in your healing journey, you will experience freedom from old patterns of thinking to experiencing breakthrough relationally with others and spiritually with God. 

Boldly Operate in Confidence

  • You will gain back your confidence to pursue healthier relationships in different areas of your life. As you confidently step fully into who God has called you to be in this season, you will do so while thriving well beyond the program. 

Heal Past Wounds

  • The Her Healed Life Program will help you gain knowledge in healing past trauma would so that you are able to thrive beyond your challenges. What once took you years to heal from and forgive, by the end of the program you will have the tools and skills to take actionable steps to consistently evolve. 

  • Exclusive perk for your clients

Personalized Sessions

Check out the phenomenal program features


Breakthrough Phases

Each month will focus on four breakthrough phases:


Phase 1 Uproot

In your first month you will gain knowledge in trauma recovery, deliverance, and cycles of the mind. Here you will learn about the strongholds you have had, as well as how you process information.


Phase 2 Growth

During this phase you will participate in understanding the fragmented soul and soul healing. You will learn how to grow in your partnership with God in who you really are and learn more about your true identity in Christ.


Phase 3 Healing

In this phase, you will learn about healing the heart and renewing your mind. Additionally, you will understand how to conqueror any challenges and struggles that you are currently experiencing that may be connected to your past wounds.


Phase 4 Renewal

In phase four, you will gain knowledge in how to maintain your inner healing and how to continue feeling renewed, all while having consistent closeness and intimacy with God. Phase four is the last phase for the curriculum that is taught. In Phase five you will be able to experience continued support in Christian counseling.


Phase 5 Freedom

This final phase will consist of two 60-minute Christian counseling sessions in your fifth month. These are sessions that are intentional about ensuring that you are supported in implementing the material you have learned within the program with actionable steps and that you have clarity on moving forward in your healing process. 


Individual Virtual Sessions

In summary, each month there is one 90-minute virtual session per month, where we will jump right into the process. Each virtual session will be power packed with information that will assist in your healing process to mental health wellness.


Weekly Support

Weekly messaging and voice audio support is an opportunity when you are able to connect when you are experiencing challenging moments throughout your week. Perhaps you need deeper understanding from a concept from your virtual session. Either way this is truly an experience of connection and support. 



Summary Deliverables

During this experience, you will have a digital client workbook that will include pre-work and summary of each month’s growth work. At the point of phase four, you will receive a final audio summary that will help you in maintaining what you have learned after your experience in the program.


Follow Up Sessions

You will have follow sessions after four months of going through the Her Healed Life Program material. This is described as phase five of your experience. There are two 60-minute counseling sessions per month.

After this program experience you will be confident in maintaining healthier mindset processing, your trauma recovery, uprooting strongholds, clarity in identity in Christ, regulating your emotions, genuine intimacy with God, and maintaining deliverance.

Join the Exclusive Waitlist 

Thanks for registering! Look out for more information soon!

Personalized Sessions

Client Love

I’m so grateful to be working with Chelsea from Change Works Services Christian counseling. When I first began working with her I felt very broken, and angry because of a family relationship that had gotten to a very bad place. I considered therapy because it was hard to get past the hurt but I was drawn to Christian counseling instead because as a believer in Christ I needed deeper healing and accountability with the word of God in front of me as a guide. Chelsea was wise counsel for me in that she helped me focus on my part to play in forgiveness and repentance, which led to the deliverance I needed from offenses and past hurts. Through this work I was able to pursue reconciliation in order to began restoring a broken relationship. I thank God for this work that she is doing. It has pushed me to do the work and let God work on me so that I could let things go... I’m forever grateful for Chelsea and Change Works Christian Counseling.”


-  Uloma

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